About Repurchase CCC - 2020 First Quarter

Dear users and investors:

It's about time to repurchase CCC for the 1stquarter of 2020. For this repurchase, KEX will still take 1802.44USDT out of our net profit this quarter. The repurchase began on April20, 2020 and will last for 1-2 days. It is expected to repurchase 91,650 CCC.

KEX has been welcomed and supported by our users since its launch. In return, we will endeavor to assign more value to CCC gradually and better benefit our CCC holding users. We believe that with the support of our users, we could finally contribute to the standardization of the entire digital asset market and help promote the development of blockhcain industry!

Thanks for supporting KEX! If any questions, please contact:[emailprotected] ; For complaints or suggestions, please contact:[emailprotected]

【RISK WARNING】Digital asset is a new social product that is still in its initial stage of development. There could be many risks in the market of digital asset trading (e.g. technical defects, price fluctuations etc.). Users should be fully aware of the investment risks. Established under the legal framework of the Republic of Singapore, KEX is a neutral trading platform aiming to satisfy the trading demands of digital asset supporters and is not liable for any review, warranty or compensation liabilities of the asset value.

KEX Operations

April 21, 2020





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