UniFi DAO—打造DeFi多链PoS治理模式新范式

【DeFi新暴富 & UniFi DAO】AMA 访谈

嘉宾:Juliun Brabon

Unifi 创始人、Sesameseed 创始人&首席执行官

以下为 AMA 实录:


各位小伙伴们大家好,很高兴在周一的晚上可以跟大家共同聚首,一起探讨币安第8期新矿&19日上市项目 Unifi DAO。

今天我们很荣幸能再次邀请到 Unifi创始人、Sesameseed创始人兼首席执行官

Juliun Brabon@Juliun Brabon ,为我们分享项目的最新信息

我们今天的ama主题是:UniFi DAO—打造DeFi多链PoS治理模式新范式。接下来将由我担任主持人和翻译小助手,和大家一起探讨UniFi DAO—打造DeFi多链PoS治理模式新范式!



Unifi是由海外大型社区Sesameseed独立开发的一组跨链DeFi基础设施,Unifi Protocol DAO是一组非托管,可互操作的多链智能合约,旨在为分布式金融产品开发提供工具。uTrade是一个去中心化的自动做市商(AMM)和代币交易平台,是基于Unifi Protocol DAO智能合约构建的第一款产品。UNFI是Unifi Protocol DAO的原生治理代币。




Could you briefly introduce yourself, your background and what’s Unifi?



Hello Everyone, My name is Juliun Brabon, I’m the CEO of Unifi Protocol and Sesameseed. I co-founded Sesameseed in early 2018, which today is one of the largest communities on Tron, Ontology,Harmony and actually recently icon. So Sesameseed has been expanding quite well and it has supported the opportunity to develop some very interesting new concepts such as unifi protocol today. We are a very much decentralized team made of community members really, and have been driving the concept of community governance since inception.

大家好,我是Juliun Brabon,我是Unifi Protocol和Sesameseed的CEO。我在2018年初与我的同事们共同创立了Sesameseed,现在它是波场、本体和和谐上最大的社区之一,最近在ICON上也是。所以他一直扩展得很好,支持着我们有机会去开发一些非常有趣的新概念,比如unifi。实际上,我们是一个非常分散的团队,由社区成员组成,并且自成立以来就一直在推动社区治理的概念。

The Unifi Protocol is a group of non-custodial, interoperable, decentralized, and multi-chain smart contracts providing the building blocks for the next generation of DeFi development, focusing on building a community-driven ecosystem of governance and innovative DeFi products.



What’s the relationship between Unifi and Sesameseed?



Sesameseend was really our first foray to build a community trying to develop these kind of on-chain governance systems around the community and sesameseed is what really initiated that whole movement. And after we started kind of building up this concept of community governance that’s when unifi came about ,we started by launching a decentralized exchange in 2019. That kind of developed our concepts or our cure competence of a decentralized exchange, price discovery and things like that . Until earlier this year, we decided to combine the concepts of governance and community building that we had with our expertise into smart contract ,liquidity mining DEFI to make unifi together This is quite an important detail as our team’s expertise and knowledge about staking tokenomics and community representation really allowed us to build this incredible system of tokenized liquidity mining and UNFI staking.

Sesameseed 是我们建立一个社区的第一次尝试,并且在社区周围开发这种链上治理系统。Sesameseed的建立是我们发起这个项目的真正原因。在我们开始建立社区治理的概念以后,Unifi才正式诞生。我们2019开始发起一个去中心化的交易所,这个尝试提升了我们的概念和我们的核心能力,就像是去中心化交易所的建立以及价格发现能力。直到今年早些时候,我们才决定将我们的专业治理知识和社区建设的概念结合在智能合约、流动性挖矿和DEFI当中。这是一个非常重要的细节,因为我们团队拥有的专业知识和在代币经济学和社区代表制上的经验确实使我们能够构建这种令人难以置信的代币化流动性挖矿和UNFI staking体系。


Unifi is built almost entirely with smart contracts. Can you please explain why this is important?



Yeah, I mean this is a really important concept and it’s something that kind of gets a bit overlooked in my opinion . We’re all here for the same reason .It’s about finding a safe and private way to transact and interact with our own finances.The trustless nature of smart contracts on the blockchain is really what DeFi is all about, and why this is such an exciting and fast-paced field. And really smart contracts are the first exploration into promising that . So unifi and sesameseed ,is really taking a lot of those are core concepts to heart . The Protocol smart contracts are entirely on-chain, which adds a level of transparency and security that is very important to us and we think is very important to our users. Finally, what sets Unifi apart is that our smart contracts were designed as building blocks for other developers to utilize in creating their own DeFi products and services, strengthening the entire UNFI ecosystem.



What’s your liquidity mining design and why is it important for you?



Our extensive history in tokenized rewards (distributing SEED daily to tens of thousands of stakers) really allowed us to design a system of tokenized liquidity rewards that was truly unique among all the other clones that we observed. Allow me to quickly go through some of the amazing benefits of UP token: a) Rewards are entirely minted and governed by smart contract, so it’s secure. b) UP earns a share of fees from every single trade, so once you hold UP even volume in other pairs is benefiting you. So it has built in yield farming. This broadens our appeal. c) A portion of fees from every single trade back our UP token, so each trade means your UP token can be redeemed for more and more tokens the longer you hold it. This should create a floor to its value, which we have seen. No other token can offer this advantage.

我们在代币化奖励方面的悠久历史(每天将SEED分发给成千上万的利益相关者),确实使我们能够设计出一种代币化流动性奖励系统,该系统在我们观察到的所有其他克隆中都是独一无二的。请允许我快速介绍一下UP代币的一些惊人优势:a)奖励完全由智能合约创建并受其约束,因此是安全的。b)UP将从每笔交易中赚取一部分费用,因此一旦您持有UP,即使其他货币对的交易量也会使您受益。因此,它内置了yield farming。这扩大了我们的吸引力。c)每笔交易的一部分费用会返还我们的UP代币,因此这意味着只要交易在进行,您持有UP的时间越长,您的UP代币就可以被兑换成越来越多的代币。这将为我们所看到的价值创造一个底线。没有其他代币可以提供这种优势。


UNFI is the Unifi Global Governance token. Can you explain how this governance token brings all Unifi blockchains together?



Ah, so UNFI is a very special token. Unifi has a robust token economy with rewards for traders and rewards for liquidity providers, and all of this is happening independently on each blockchain we’re on. We’ve already launched on four. UNFI migration from UP allows liquidity providers and even traders from each of those chains to become a part of the governance of the entire protocol. This is quite a powerful concept – UNFI allows you to participate in the governance and direction of a DeFi Protocol which can be deployed on almost all L1 blockchains rather rapidly.



What is your proof-of-stake mechanism? How do you apply that into Unifi?



Everyone loves staking rewards! We are very proud of being the first sustainable Defi token to incorporate elements of Proof of Stake into our governance model. A multi-chain protocol such as Unifi requires and active and engaged community to ensure the needs of users on all the blockchains are being met. UNFI staking rewards will incentivize the creation of Community Council Representatives to represent the voice of token holders, and those token holders will delegate their UNFI to the CRs they trust the most to make the correct decisions and proposals for the Protocol.



Why is building a community around UNFI important?



Blockchain Technology relies on its utility. Fundamentally, that utility is driven by interactions, use case, and activity on the platform. Building a community is essential to kick starting Unifi’s utility. This same community can help attract developers, further improve liquidity mining, and ultimately encourage the continued development of the platform. This is why it’s so critical that UNFI rewards are perfectly designed to incentivize the formation of vast communities spread across all of the Protocol blockchains, all staking and delegating to their chosen Council Representatives. Within 2 days of announcing this model, we have already seen two declarations of people and organizations campaigning for election.



What are your major highlights and advantages compared to other DeFi projects?



When building Unifi, we really thought through the existing systems (balancer, uniswap, bancor) and identified some areas we could improve to make the economy surrounding these systems more sustainable. Some of the most important changes we made were to the rewards mechanism, which unlike other protocols happens entirely on chain and is managed by the smart contracts. This mechanism also allows the value of the rewards that individuals earn to increase over time.In addition unifi is designed to be a cross chain defi platform allowing communities from different blockchains to easily move into and out of different ecosystems.


Many other DeFi projects are still only in the planning stage – Unifi is live on 4 blockchains already with 2 more under development for this year. Security is something else that makes Unifi different, since our UP tokens are minted in direct proportion to fees generated, and entirely governed within smart contracts which have been audited by Slow Mist. Unifi Protocol smart contracts are all custom-made from scratch, and not a clone of any other existing platforms. Finally, nobody has UNFI staking powering the Council of Representatives. This will totally revolutionize DeFi governance.



What partnership you have built so far?



Yeah,we have a couple of different directions here. Obviously, our first type of partner is the blockchain that we’ve been involved with, and these are people that we’ve known for a long time. Tron, Ontology, and Harmony are blockchains that we have built communities around for many years. At the same time, new partners will come in, such as BSC and ICON. And on the other hand, we also have a lot of investors as partners。Each of Unifi’s investors, advisors, and strategic partners were carefully selected based on their ability to support Unifi.


Unifi’s investors and strategic advisors include major blockchains, exchanges, and media outlets. Four major exchanges, MXC, Bibox、Jubi and HBTC, have all invested in the Unifi Protocol ensuring adequate token distribution and liquidity. Other investors include Chain Capital (Polkadot, EOS, Algorand, OmiseGo, ælf) Signum Capital (Kyber, Wax, Zilliqa, ælf, Tomochain) Consensus Labs (QuarkChain, Bitforex) , Odaily (Odaily.com), Bitblock Capital, Vector Capital, Waterdrop Capital, Skylink Capital, BlockArk, CRC Capital, Cabin VC, and several others.

Unifi的投资者和战略顾问包括主要的区块链,交易所和媒体。MXC、Bibox、Jubi和HBTC这四个主要交易所都对Unifi协议进行了投资,以确保足够的代币分配和流动性。其他投资者包括Chain Capital(Polkadot,EOS,Algorand,OmiseGo,ælf)Signum Capital(Kyber,Wax,Zilliqa,ælf,Tomochain)Consensus Labs(QuarkChain,Bitforex),Odaily(Odaily.com),Bitblock Capital,Vector Capital, Waterdrop Capital,Skylink Capital,BlockArk,CRC Capital,Cabin VC等。


What is your future prospect of Unifi protocol?



As I mentioned earlier, we have 2 more blockchains under development right now that we are hoping to launch on this year. One would be ICON, whose foundation approved Unifi for a grant because they recognized its value to their chain. The other one is Ethereum, which will be necessary to accomplish our stated mission of connecting all Defi marketplaces together. Of course, we also are planning on launching UNFI staking and the dawn of the Unifi Council of Representatives. If you follow our social channels, you will see we are expanding and developing at an incredible place. Now is a great time to join the community and start trading or depositing liquidity to mine that UP. (UP will be just one way you will be able to obtain UNFI…)









We are working on it !




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