ChainX 09号提案:关于挖矿收益分配的调整

ChainX 09号提案:关于挖矿收益分配的调整


目前,ChainX 的挖矿算力分配规则中,L-BTC 等 token 与 PCX、跨链资产共享算力挖矿。然而,L-BTC 作为 ChainX 链上的锁仓挖矿类型,其本质与 S-DOT 奖励挖矿类似,都是一种福利挖矿或有条件空投的代币分发模式。与 X-BTC 这种存在于 ChainX 链上的跨链资产有着本质的区别,而现有的算力分配规则不能很好的反映这一本质特点。

第六届议会提出 09 号提案:《关于ChainX 挖矿收益分配的调整》,该提案由议会投票表决已经通过初审,现交由社区公投。


关于 ChainX 挖矿收益分配的调整

09 号提案提议,将 L-BTC、S-DOT 这种空投/锁仓奖励机制与挖矿算力彻底解耦。具体规则为:
1. ChainX 链上每个周期(session,约 5 分钟)挖出 50 枚 PCX,按照白皮书的固定,其中 10 枚为团队预留;
2. 剩余
40 枚 PCX(记为 S)的分配为本次提案调整的内容;
a) 预留
TR = 12%(即 TR*S=4.8 枚)进入议会基金(议会基金账户公布,每个月出一次财报;财报将在公众号里公示)

b) 预留
AR = 8%(即 AR*S=3.2 枚)为本周期的福利挖矿收益;

c) 剩余的部分记为可分配挖矿收益 AMO

(AMO=(1-TR-AR)*S, 即 32 枚),跨链资产和 PCX 根据算力占比共享 AMO:

单位 PCX 算力为 1;

单位 XBTC 算力为 PR_XBTC=400 倍单位 PCX 算力;

其他 X-Token 算力关系等其上线时再由议会设定;

设置跨链硬顶 XR=10%,当 X-Token 算力的和大于总算力的 XR 时(触碰硬顶),限制 X-Token 算力的和为总算力的 XR 倍,各 X-Token 按比例缩减收益;

PCX 算力占总算力的比例固定为 1-XR,即 90%(AMO*(1-XR)=28.8枚)

最后,若还有剩余未分配的 PCX,则归属议会财库。

3. 将 L-BTC 和 S-DOT 的每周期挖矿收益改由福利挖矿总量中支付。

L-BTC 和 S-DOT 均分每周期的福利挖矿收益,各得
1.6 枚 PCX
b) L-BTC 的挖矿收益按照

c) S-DOT 的挖矿收益按照用户映射的 S-DOT 比例进行分配。

PR_XBTC,单位 XBTC 对 PCX 的算力,400。
注 1:ChainX 议会基金(即议会财库)成立目的是为了更好运营和推动项目,打造生态,积极拥抱社区。其资金动向接受全社区监督,其职责包括且不局限于:PR&市场合作(交易所/钱包等),生态合作(Dapp/开源社区等),量化团队等。
注 2:本提案确定了算力的框架,就是 X-token 的算力是通过某个函数转为对等 PCX 算力的。现在的函数是固定的 400X,今后如果 PCX 价格大幅变动导致 XBTC 固定的算力比例不合理,那时议会也仅需要调整 PR_BTC,或者用其他算法阐述 X
token 与 PCX 的算力比例关系。
Proposal 9
The adjustment of mining rule on ChainX
At present, the mining distribution rule for the entire ChainX takes L-BTC, X-BTC, PCX as in same category. However, L-BTC, as a self-lockup mining method, is similar in nature to S-DOT reward mining and is a token distribution model of conditional airdrop. It is fundamentally different from X-BTC, a cross-chain asset that exists on the ChainX chain. We believe that the existing rules of mining income distribution do not reflect this essential characteristic well.
We recommend new specific rules to thoroughly decouple them, which are:

1. Every session(about 5 minutes), ChainX generates 50 pcx,Among which 10 pcx are reserved for the creator team;

2. Among the remaining 40 pcx, denoted as S.

a) Let TR = 12% of them (that is TR*S = 4.8 pcx), go to the Council Treasury (The address of Council Treasury would be published and financial report would also be released monthly in official social media account);

b) Let AR = 8% of them (that is AR*S = 3.2pcx), go to the Airdrop Pool;

c) The remaining (which is 1-TR-AR of 40, denoted as AMO, Available Mining Output) would be distributed between PCX miners and X-BTC miners, according to their mining power.

i. 1 PCX’s mining power set to 1;
ii. 1 XBTC’s mining power is PR_XBTC=400 times of 1 PCX;
iii. Other X-Token’s mining power will be clear when they are available;
iv. Set a hard ceiling, XR=10%. When sum of all X-Token’s mining power / total mining power >= XR (touch the ceiling), we limit the sum of all X-Token’s mining power to the hard ceiling. Each X-Token reduce their benefits in proportion;
v. Fix mining power of PCX / total mining power = 1-XR,that is 90%;
vi. At last, if any PCX remains, it goes to the Council Treasury.

3. Let mining income of L-BTC and S-DOT be paid from Airdrop Pool;

a) L-BTC and S-DOT share the benefits of Airdrop Pool per cycle, eg: each receives 1.6 pcx as ratio above;

b) The mining revenue of L-BTC is distributed according to the user’s lockup ratio;

c) The mining revenue of S-DOT is distributed according to the S-DOT proportion mapped by the user.

Note 1: The purpose of the Council Fund(aka. Council Treasure)is to better operate and promote projects, build ecology, and actively embrace the community. Its funding trends are subject to community-wide supervision, and its responsibilities include, but are not limited to: PR & market cooperation (exchanges / wallets, etc.), ecological cooperation (Dapp / open source communities, etc.), quantitative teams, etc
Note 2: This proposal builds the new framework of mining power, that is, the mining power of X-token is converted into PCX’s mining power through a certain function. The current function is a fixed 400 times. In the future, if the price of pcx changes significantly, cause the fixed ratio of XBTC become unreasonable, then, the parliament can only adjust PR_BTC, or use other algorithms to explain the relationship between the mining power of X-Token and pcx.


09 号提案初审结果公示
议员职位 议员名称 赞成 反对 社区代表 熊市攒币节点议员 buildlinks 节点议员 AZIMUT 社区代表 Polkaworld 节点议员 SSSnodes 节点议员 HashQuark 社区代表 xiamiPool 节点议员 luckyve 节点议员 huolanshan 社区代表(意大利) @Pooggi_Luca 开发团队 PolkaX


ChainX 09号提案:关于挖矿收益分配的调整


ChainX 09号提案:关于挖矿收益分配的调整

用户向以下指定地址转账 0 PCX 表达对 09 号提案持赞成或反对意见





09 号提案公投结束时间

块高12118800 (预计时间 2020-03-04 18:00:00 )

ChainX 09号提案:关于挖矿收益分配的调整


ChainX 09号提案:关于挖矿收益分配的调整

1. 用户投票效力以投票账户的总余额计数

2. 公投过程中用户可随时更改投票意见,以最后一次投票为有效票

3. 截至投票结束时,赞成票数大于2/3即提案通过,反之则提案未通过




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